Saturday, December 3, 2011

DG Escalation League Round 1

The first round of the Downers Grove 2011-2012 Escalation League was last weekend. I haven't actually fought the battle yet, but army lists and painted armies were due, so I figured I might as well post my list and pictures.

Hiram Leon
Librarian, combi-melta, Sanguine Sword, Shield of Sanguinius, (110)

Hammer 1
Assault Squad (jp removed), flamer, Razorback, TL-lascannon (160)

Hammer 2
Assault Squad (jp removed), flamer, Razorback, TL-lascannon (160)

Sword Squadron
Landspeeder, multi-melta, heavy flamer (70)

I'd normally have the two assault squads carry meltaguns, but I knew I was up against an Ork player this round, so I figured some flamers were in order. Wargear can be changed between battles, so this won't be detrimental to my next game against IG.

It's nice to start to have an army that's all painted in the same scheme, even if the paint job is a little shoddy right now (and the Razorbacks are missing hatches...).

A battle report will be posted after I play my 500-point game.

Thought Quote for the day: Hey Eric. The Salamanders called. They want their fluff back. -Perrin

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Librarius expanded

Greetings all,

I have decided to try to make everything I use in the Escalation League in Illinois look like the current version of the Angels Malleus paint scheme, which is this:

The Angels Malleus

The image come from the Space Marine painter on the Bolter and Chainsword forum: Very, very helpful. Anyway, I have started to strip and repaint my 500-point list, which I will reveal in full (as if it was that exciting) on Nov. 26th (the date when the first round ends). Since I will not be in Illinois again until late December, I will be playing all my battles then. But I still have to have everything painted and an army list submitted since those two parts don't require me being in Illinois. I have painted up my HQ choice so far and am working on my next unit. Here he is, the newest addition to the Angels Malleus Librarius, Librarian Hiram Leon:

a librarian on foot? this can only mean...

Hiram is the result of GW discontinuing the Lost and the Damned army list. Back when it was legal, I was building a list that represented a group of Fallen Dark Angels swaying a group of Imperial Guard on a backwater planet to their cause. So, I have a few robed Dark Angel models lying around. This one didn't even have any arms yet, so I decided that the robe and hood made him the perfect body for a librarian. I added a Grey Knight Justicar arm (from my assault sergeant who now has a power fist), and a book from one of the inquisitor models that were released with Codex: Daemonhunters (ahh, the good old days). Viola! Librarian. Easy-peasy, puddin' pie.

That's all for now. I probably won't show the rest of what I work on until the 26th. Be sure to check out War in the Old World ( for Warhammer Fantary goodness in the meantime!

Thought for the day: To be paint or not to be; that is the question answer.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"F&%$ing magnets, how do they work?"

Good news everyone!

Thanks to Trent, one of my teammates in the OFCC, I have started to magnetize my stuff. I started with my Predator and my two Landspeeders.

Predator turret with the TL-lascannon cut out. The magnets fit right into the sockets!

The TL-LC turret (the original) in the background and the soon-to-be-painted autocannon in the foreground.


I'll tell you how this works: miracles.

I magnetized the old heavy flamer sponsons from my Baal Predator I never used and now they attach to each of my Landspeeders! Wooo! 5th edition meta here I come!

A few of my mates in Illinois are starting an Escalation League for 40K, which I am going to participate in to a greater or lesser extent. So I'll be making some additions to my Blood Angels, which will also prepare my army for OFCC 2012! I'm going to get the new bitz painted, and start working on Chapter Master Adek. More pictures as I work on stuff. I'll also be posting about the Escalation League, what I've readied for it, and my lists as the league progresses.

Thought for the day: Wisdom Painting is the beginning of fear beautiful armies.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

War in Oregon

Since the organization goes where the person in charge of it goes, the Ordo Pigmentum has moved to Corvallis, Oregon! There has also been a lack of posts, for which I apologize. However, with lots of moving places and such, I have completely forgotten about this blog. But there will be pictures of things painted for the OFCC soon.

Thanks to the Ordo Fanaticus ( and their forums, I have already found and met up with some WH40K players in Lebanon, OR. They have their own forum, as well ( I was there this past Saturday and played a few games with my now Storm Raven-less Blood Angels. Despite going in with little real hope, I managed to win both games! I played 2000 pts Dawn of War/Annihilate against a Dark Eldar Raider/Venom spam list, and 1500 pts Pitched Battle/Capture and Control against a combined forces Eldar list (but with almost no anti-mech weaponry). My list was as follows:

Librarian, jump pack, psychic powers: Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius

Sanguinary Priest, jump pack
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought

x5 Assault Marines, meltagun, Razorback with twin-linked lascannon
x5 Assault Marines, meltagun, Razorback with twin-linked lascannon
x10 Assault Marines, x2 meltaguns, power fist
x5 Death Company, x1 Chaplain Lemartes, jump packs

Fast Attack:
Land Speeder, multi-melta
x5 Vanguard Veterans, jump packs, thunder hammer, power weapon
Baal Predator, twin-linked assault cannon turret, heavy bolter sponsons

Heavy Support:
Dreadnought, assault cannon, missile launcher
Predator, twin-linked lascannon turret, lascannon sponsons

For the 1500 point list, I removed the Predator Annihilator and the Death Company and added a sixth Vanguard Veteran. The Vanguard performed admirably, getting to use Heroic Intervention in both games, though having only one squad of them was a bit disappointing as they got cut to ribbons soon after their deep strike-assaults.

OFCC was lots of fun, and I think I will be taking a variant of the above list for next year. I plan to update it a bit before then, which I will post up here. I am working on making some actual Vanguard (I used assault marines), as well as more Assault Marines. I also plan on making the predator turret into an autocannon turret, and getting another one of those (or maybe a vindicator) and another Baal predator. Finally, I hope complete Chapter Master Israfel Adek (though he'll likely be used as a Vanguard sergeant).

However, these additions may not appear for while, because I have started a Warhammer Fantasy army: Ogre Kingdoms. When I subscribed to White Dwarf back in the day, the first issues covered the new Ogre  releases, and I knew that if I ever played Fantasy, I would play Ogres. The time has now come. So, I will be working on them for a while. You can follow that progress at, where my friends and I will be covering our army lists, background fluff, and building and painting our armies.

Thought for the day: It is better to die for the Emperor with a painted army than live for yourself without one.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The Ordo Pigmentum went to the OFCC tournament in Vancouver, WA this past weekend, and it was a blast! I went as part of team Glows in the Dark and played my Blood Angels (with two added Storm Ravens from Dave). It was a very, very fun tournament, unlike my Adepticon experience. I came away wanting to play more 40K, not less. I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to make the trip from wherever you are. I personally went 2/1/2 (W/L/D), but I didn't get any best-opponent badges from anyone and my army wasn't the best painted, so I probably didn't help those scores out any. But it was lots of fun for me at least, and I even managed to win some games!

Thought for the day: The difference between heresy good painting and treachery bad painting is ignorance washing and highlighting.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Orks, orks, orks, orks, orks, orks, orks, orks...

I now also a picture of the Ork trukk I painted. Disclaimer: I did not assemble nor do the delvan mud wash, which were done by Perrin.

Thought for the day: fear not the psyker painter.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sons of Russ

I finally have pictures of the Space Wolves I have been painting!

I painted the inside of the Rhino specifically because 1) it looks cool, and 2) it has 2 fire points out the top hatch, so if you take the hatch off, you should be able to put models in a painted space, not a black hole. The key is, of course, to paint the inside before assembling the Rhino!

Thought for the day: Blessed is the mind too small for doubt anything but painting.