Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The Ordo Pigmentum went to the OFCC tournament in Vancouver, WA this past weekend, and it was a blast! I went as part of team Glows in the Dark and played my Blood Angels (with two added Storm Ravens from Dave). It was a very, very fun tournament, unlike my Adepticon experience. I came away wanting to play more 40K, not less. I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to make the trip from wherever you are. I personally went 2/1/2 (W/L/D), but I didn't get any best-opponent badges from anyone and my army wasn't the best painted, so I probably didn't help those scores out any. But it was lots of fun for me at least, and I even managed to win some games!

Thought for the day: The difference between heresy good painting and treachery bad painting is ignorance washing and highlighting.