Wednesday, September 28, 2011

War in Oregon

Since the organization goes where the person in charge of it goes, the Ordo Pigmentum has moved to Corvallis, Oregon! There has also been a lack of posts, for which I apologize. However, with lots of moving places and such, I have completely forgotten about this blog. But there will be pictures of things painted for the OFCC soon.

Thanks to the Ordo Fanaticus ( and their forums, I have already found and met up with some WH40K players in Lebanon, OR. They have their own forum, as well ( I was there this past Saturday and played a few games with my now Storm Raven-less Blood Angels. Despite going in with little real hope, I managed to win both games! I played 2000 pts Dawn of War/Annihilate against a Dark Eldar Raider/Venom spam list, and 1500 pts Pitched Battle/Capture and Control against a combined forces Eldar list (but with almost no anti-mech weaponry). My list was as follows:

Librarian, jump pack, psychic powers: Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius

Sanguinary Priest, jump pack
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought

x5 Assault Marines, meltagun, Razorback with twin-linked lascannon
x5 Assault Marines, meltagun, Razorback with twin-linked lascannon
x10 Assault Marines, x2 meltaguns, power fist
x5 Death Company, x1 Chaplain Lemartes, jump packs

Fast Attack:
Land Speeder, multi-melta
x5 Vanguard Veterans, jump packs, thunder hammer, power weapon
Baal Predator, twin-linked assault cannon turret, heavy bolter sponsons

Heavy Support:
Dreadnought, assault cannon, missile launcher
Predator, twin-linked lascannon turret, lascannon sponsons

For the 1500 point list, I removed the Predator Annihilator and the Death Company and added a sixth Vanguard Veteran. The Vanguard performed admirably, getting to use Heroic Intervention in both games, though having only one squad of them was a bit disappointing as they got cut to ribbons soon after their deep strike-assaults.

OFCC was lots of fun, and I think I will be taking a variant of the above list for next year. I plan to update it a bit before then, which I will post up here. I am working on making some actual Vanguard (I used assault marines), as well as more Assault Marines. I also plan on making the predator turret into an autocannon turret, and getting another one of those (or maybe a vindicator) and another Baal predator. Finally, I hope complete Chapter Master Israfel Adek (though he'll likely be used as a Vanguard sergeant).

However, these additions may not appear for while, because I have started a Warhammer Fantasy army: Ogre Kingdoms. When I subscribed to White Dwarf back in the day, the first issues covered the new Ogre  releases, and I knew that if I ever played Fantasy, I would play Ogres. The time has now come. So, I will be working on them for a while. You can follow that progress at, where my friends and I will be covering our army lists, background fluff, and building and painting our armies.

Thought for the day: It is better to die for the Emperor with a painted army than live for yourself without one.