Saturday, December 3, 2011

DG Escalation League Round 1

The first round of the Downers Grove 2011-2012 Escalation League was last weekend. I haven't actually fought the battle yet, but army lists and painted armies were due, so I figured I might as well post my list and pictures.

Hiram Leon
Librarian, combi-melta, Sanguine Sword, Shield of Sanguinius, (110)

Hammer 1
Assault Squad (jp removed), flamer, Razorback, TL-lascannon (160)

Hammer 2
Assault Squad (jp removed), flamer, Razorback, TL-lascannon (160)

Sword Squadron
Landspeeder, multi-melta, heavy flamer (70)

I'd normally have the two assault squads carry meltaguns, but I knew I was up against an Ork player this round, so I figured some flamers were in order. Wargear can be changed between battles, so this won't be detrimental to my next game against IG.

It's nice to start to have an army that's all painted in the same scheme, even if the paint job is a little shoddy right now (and the Razorbacks are missing hatches...).

A battle report will be posted after I play my 500-point game.

Thought Quote for the day: Hey Eric. The Salamanders called. They want their fluff back. -Perrin