Saturday, December 3, 2016

A bigger, better lightbox

Another busy month, so unfortunately there has been nothing new in terms of painting. However, I have some new photos of things already painted that I have not shown so far. With how behind I am with the pace I set for myself, my goal is now to get the entire army at least to the wash stage before OFCC in July. I will also need to come up with a new display stand for them and get some custom decals made. Stay tuned!

First are the two Deathwatch Vanguard Veterans. These are the Antor Delassio and Edyric Setorax models from the Cassius Kill-Team box. They will be used as Vanguard Veterans instead of their named versions and made into a Dominatus Kill-Team with the Veterans shown earlier. Along with a Corvus Blackstar that will be part of the army, this kill-team along with the inquisitor are meant to be a hard-hitting counter-assault unit. The inquisitor will bring along rad grenades, which suits both the army theme and makes the Deathwatch hit that much harder. With the Assault Vehicle special rule on the Blackstar and the Vanguard Veterans letting the unit re-roll change distances, I expect them to hit pretty hard. The models themselves aren't completed yet, and don't even have their wash on yet.

Antor Delassio, Vanguard Veteran

Antor Delassio, Vanguard Veteran

Edyric Setorax, Vanguard Veteran

Edyric Setorax, Vanguard Veteran

The other model that I have to show is Cybernetica Datasmith Lambda-Meitner. Each of the units in the army will have a name consisting of a Greek letter and the surname of a famous nuclear physicist. Lise Meitner was instrumental in the discovery of nuclear fission, and has an element named after her: Meitnerium, atomic number 109. The datasmith has been fully painted and washed, though looking at the pictures, I made need to do some touching up!

Cybernatica Datasmith Lambda-Meitner

Cybernatica Datasmith Lambda-Meitner

Cybernatica Datasmith Lambda-Meitner

Cybernatica Datasmith Lambda-Meitner

If there's one thing I did get done this month, it's the construction of a new and improved lightbox. It's all foamcore boards, tissue paper, white duct tape, and white poster paper. Plus three lamps. Video on how to make one here: I've been using my phone camera for now, but in the future that will also change.

Lightbox 2.0

Next month, I will have more things assembled, at least, and try to finish up the two robots. I also have a Heldrake to finish up for a friend.