Sunday, December 17, 2017

Alpha Legion: Rules 2 - Units

As I hinted last week, this week is about what units to use. Specifically, I'll be talking about units that strike me as fitting well with the overall infiltration/assassination theme of the army in terms of rules. These will all end up being modeled like Headhunters and other Alpha Legion marines, of course, but may use rules discussed below. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Alpha Legion: Models 1 - Headhunters

Alpha Legion Headhunters are just the coolest. During the Great Crusade, the Alpha Legion pioneered the use of Seeker Squads, whose role was close-in assassination and that would pop up in the middle of a battle to kill enemy leadership targets. They were equipped with specialist ammunition and were chosen based on their skill as marksmen, not rank. The Alpha Legion took this concept a step further, naturally, and developed Headhunters who used even more extreme infiltration methods and whose targets were not limited to leadership, but included just about any actions that would cause chaotic conditions (or whatever furthered the Alpha Legion's goals), and who attempted all this without the enemy even knowing of their presence (at least not until it was too late). 

Image result for legion seeker squad
Alpha Legion Seeker Marines go to work.