Monday, September 4, 2017

OFCC Wrapup and Looking Ahead

It's been over a month now since I should have put up another post. To start, I have pictures of the completed Corvus Blackstar! I did manage to get this up to my painted and washed (though not highlighted) stage as the rest of the army for OFCC.

I also continued the lens technique and continued using blue for it for two reasons. First, blue was a shade not used prominently on other parts of the model, so I feel like it makes the lenses stand out. Second, it's a (very) subtle tie-in to the Adeptus Mechanicus parts of the army, which also have blue lenses.

Another visual tie-in to the Mechanicus part of the army is the same deep Khorne Red used for the stripes on the Blackstar tail and missile pods as well as the base color for the Robots and the Dunecrawlers. 

OFCC itself was a lot of fun! I was worried that not playing as teams and therefore not necessarily playing next to one's teammates would take a lot of the fun away. But it didn't! I realized that, while there was some teammate banter in the past, even then most of the focus during a game is having fun with one's opponent! And I had fun opponents. I didn't do very well in terms of winning games; at the end I was 1-1-3. But another good time had! 

Though I still intend to use the army that I made, with perhaps some simple changes using units I already have (more Deathwatch, Sicaran Infiltrators), I have begun another project. I will reveal that in another post, but as part of that project, I am using Secret Weapons Miniatures bases, which come complete with textures. I am using the desert mesa bases (

I am painting them using Khorne Red as a base, and then a coat of Martian Ironearth. I follow that up with a wash of Reikland Fleshshade, and then a drybrush of Troll Slayer Orange. I painted up one of the 60 mm bases, which has a little more detail and I think came out a little better than the actual first base I painted. 

More to come this month on the next project!

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