Sunday, January 28, 2018

Alpha Legion: Painting 2 - Highlighting

In the past, the final stage of painting a model has been highlighting. It is a step that has necessarily come after all other layers are done. In the past, I have gotten out my finest detail brush and slowly put thin lines on the edges of my minis. It has worked with varying degrees of success.

Sometimes my highlighting has been good, like the stormraven (which I didn't actually finish highlighting) with nice thin lines. It helps that the model has lots of edges. The Deathwatch Space Wolf I consider decent, where the lines are clean, but thick, which doesn't really have the same enhancing effect I see with professional highlights but rather stands out on its own. Sometimes the lines are so thick that on the Kastelan I didn't even highlight all the edges as otherwise the highlight color would almost completely obscure the true color layer underneath.

With the Alpha Legion, I am trying something different.

I am trying to imitate the effect shown here:

Instead of highlighting, I am trying to layer on some green only in certain areas such that it looks like a shimmer in the armor color. I looked into something like ChromaFlair for miniatures, but decided on this instead since it would force me to learn better painting techniques.

Above are shown one model through start, one layer of green, and finish. To do this, I am using the Lahmian Medium from GW, which is a pigmentless paint that just dilutes the color of whatever it is added to so that just a hint of the color can be added. I mixed Lahmian Medium with Warpstone Glow, and then built up the color in several layers but not in the same amount of area each time. This way, the color fades in from the base blue. This turned out better on some areas than others. Since this is the only the second model I have tried this on, I still need practice. But ultimately, I am hoping that the washing and this green "shimmer" will look just as good as highlighting if not better, and lend a creepier effect to these infiltrators.


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