Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Battle Report: The Disciples of Entropy vs Chaos Marines

After playing the Tyranids and Genestealer Cult allies (see battle report from 01/28/2017), I played another game with my Disciples of Entropy Skitarii/Cult Mechanicus/Deathwatch/Inquisition army against some Chaos Space Marines. These were specifically the Crimson Slaughter rules.

The Armies:
The Crimson Slaughter army main detachment was a Combined Arms Detachment with a Daemon Prince HQ, one unit of Possessed, and two units of Chaos Space Marines in Rhinos. It also featured a Predator and two Helbrutes. The army also had an allied Heldrake Terror Pack formation with two Heldrakes, and an allied Cult of Destruction formation with a total of five Obliterators and one Warpsmith.

My list is described in more detail elsewhere, but basically consists of the Cult Mechanicus Cybernatica Cohort formation, a Skitarii Battle Maniple with two units of Vanguard, one unit of Rangers, two Onager Dunecrawlers, and one unit of Infiltrators, a Deathwatch Dominatus Kill-Team with Corvus Blackstar dedicated transport, and an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor.


My deployment ended up being much the same as the previous game, and for much the same reasons. The Kastelans were set up in the center to be able to move to either side of the board in time to do some damage. The Vanguard were placed in flanking positions, one unit on the right side of the board and one on the left, and the Rangers in their same building on the right. My Infiltrators joined the Vanguard and Rangers on the right. The difference this time was that I set up one Dunecrawler on the left and one on the right. This meant their invulnerable saves were not as good as they could be, but I was gunshy after the last game. I chose my warlord as one of the Skitarii Vanguard, and rolled the master-crafted warlord trait.

On the Chaos Marines side, the daemon prince was placed on my left side in the tall building, ready to fly first turn. The Predator, Possessed, and one Helbrute were set up in the center. The two squads of Chaos Marines were set up in their Rhinos also on my left side. The three Obliterator units and the Warpsmith were set up on my right along with the other Helbrute.

The mission was Big Guns never tire, with three objectives. My Heavy Support choices were the Dunecrawlers and the Kastelans. The Kastelan formation dictates, however, that the entire unit must be destroyed for it to count, in which case it would be two victory points for the two HS choices. The Chaos HS choices were the Obliterators and Predator.

Setup for game 2 vs Crimson Slaughter Chaos Space Marines.

The Battle:

I managed to steal the initiative, so I went first. The combination of the  Vanguard with Arc Rifles and the Rangers with their arquebuses were able to take down the Helbrute on the right. The Dunecrawler on the right was able to instant-death a couple of the Obliterators, the one on the left immobilized a Rhino, and everything else just moved around a little. On the Chaos turn, the Daemon Prince took off into swooping mode and flew forward, the mobile Rhino re-positioned, and the remaining Helbrute, Predator, and Possessed moved up. Little damage was done in the shooting phase.

The Rangers take off the last hull point off the Helbrute.

In turn two, I was able to wound and down the Daemon Prince, and then assault him with my Kastelans. One of the Datasmiths promptly declined the Prince's challenge, and the Robots were able to kill the Prince. Nothing else of note happened in my turn. In the Chaos turn, only one Heldrake showed up, and it zoomed over and killed all but one of my Infiltrators. The Possessed and Helbrute moved up, and the Possessed managed a charge, but I ended up killing them (also thanks to shooting in my phase). 

The Kastelans kill the Daemon Prince, but the Infiltrators get all but wiped by the Heldrake's Baleflamer.

The Kastelans draw lots of firepower and combat their way as they move into the middle of the board.

In my third turn, the Corvus Blackstar showed up, but the squad inside stayed up as it zoomed. It shot all its missiles at the Predator but didn't manage to take it down. The Kastelans moved up more and shot at the Chaos Marines who had disembarked from their immobilized Rhino. The Vanguard on the left also moved up to try to grab the objective. The Chaos Marines shot back at the Kastelans to little effect, while the other squad of Chaos Marines disembarked and also shot at the Kastelans, also to little effect. The Helbrute then charged in, killing one of the Kastelans, but getting destroyed by by the rest of the Robots. 

The Robots move up and shoot at the Chaos Marines, who shoot back, too. They then destroy the Helbrute that charges them.

In my fourth turn, the Blackstar disgorged its cargo at the foot of the trench where the Obliterators and Warpsmith were holed up, and turned to take the last hull points off of the Predator. The Kastelans moved up and decimated the Chaos Marines along with the Dunecrawlers and the Vanguard on the left with their plasma calivers. The Deathwatch performed a disordered charge on the Obliterators to tie them up after killing one in the shooting phase. In the Chaos turn, the other Heldrake showed up (we used our Tyranid friend's Hive Crone models), but did not manage to take down the Blackstar. It did, however, manage to kill a lot of Vanguard on the right side. More attempts to kill the Robots failed.

The Deathwatch and Inquisitor charge the Obliterators, and the Heldrakes zoom around, killing Vanguard.

In my fifth turn, the Robots killed the rest of the Chaos Marines and their Rhinos with the help of the Dunecrawlers and the Vanguard. The game was called at this point since I was likely going to have more VPs than Chaos even if I wasn't holding objectives.

  • Let's be honest, Chaos Marines aren't the most competitive army, and this list was more fluffy than competitive beyond that. So this isn't any kind of major win.
  • I think I did make the right choice in leaving the Deathwatch inside their transport for a turn. In the last game, I was so worried about them getting shot down that I entered the Blackstar in hover mode and disembarked the squad immediately, even though they were poorly positioned. 
  • I definitely knew this game that the Robots were tough to take down and plowed them straight up the center of the board to take on as many things as they could. It worked pretty well, and it took a lot of firepower to take down even the one they did lose.
  • If lists I end up facing in the tournament have two or more fliers, it will be difficult to take them down. The Blackstar, while not exactly a slouch, isn't the best tool for taking out fliers, and has the additional duty of getting the Deathwatch into battle safely, so it has to jink when it gets shot at. The Robots might be able to help a little since two of them have twin-linked weapons, but that means they're not focusing on harder targets. I'll probably just have to focus on ground units and hope I can hold off infantry-killers like Heldrakes long enough.
Again, any comments and thoughts are welcome! What kinds of units do you think I will have the most trouble with (aside from Death Leapers...)?

EDIT: I have since come to realize that due to me thinking the Kastelan Robot maniples were 190 points each, when in reality they are 290 points each, my army was overpowered for this game! Sorry Chaos Marines!

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