+++ <CREDENTIALS ENTERED> - Welcome Alpharius...
+++ File: Harrow 553 // Report: Effrit Cell 1221-Rho-Gamma-Nu-Rho-Kappa
+++ Date: 071.M33
+++ XX Legion analyist [AO-957]
+++ Threat analysis report
Recent information gathered by XX Legion operatives has identified a threat that may lurk within our very own ranks: Effrit Cell 1221-Rho-Gamma-Nu-Rho-Kappa.

The history and origin of Cell 1221 consists , unsurprisingly, as a collection of conflicting reports, accounts, and apocrypha. Some records place the origin of Cell 1221 as early as 830.M30, others as late as 981.M30. Legend within the XX Legion itself posits the latest founding date, 015.M31, claiming Cell 1221 to be a collection of the Primarchs' little-known bodyguards oathed to vengeance upon Guilliman and the XIII Legion after the events on Eskrador. One rumor, told as a source of humor among XX Legionnaires, is that the leader of Cell 1221 is a third, completely unknown triplet of the Twins, or in another variation really, truly is Alpharius. Thanks to the XX Legion talent for deception and misdirection, members of the Inquisition who investigate these rumors, dropped casually by XX Legionnaires to human operatives, often become terminally insane attempting to determine if there is any truth to these rumors and if that truth is even worth knowing.
There are an abundance of records alluding to the existence of Cell 1221 prior to the XX Legion founding as part of the "Ghost Legion", the first sources originating in 830.M30. This naturally begs the question of whose authority Cell 1221 was established under - the Emperor? The Sigilite? Perhaps Horus? The first reports of the Ghost Legion were also logged at this time, implying that Cell 1221 might be synonymous with these anomalous Astartes activities that continued throughout the Great Crusade and beyond. Indeed, some suspect that the mysterious catastrophe surrounding the III Legion geneseed, which also occurred circa 830.M30, may have been the first operation carried out by Cell 1221.

Other records and rumors indicate that Cell 1221 was composed of companions of the Twins from their homeworld. Much like Kor Phaeron, Luther, and Amon, the members of Cell 1221 are supposedly those from the Twins' homeworld that were granted permission to undergo the Astartes transformation process and survived. These companions did not subsequently remain with the XX Legion, but instead infiltrated each other Legion, for they were the masters of subtlety and disguise that helped the Twins rise to power on their homeworld.
Later records also imply that the two XX Legion members of the Crusader Host, Raulus and Rond, were secretly released from the Khangba Marwu prison complex by Rogal Dorn to covertly investigate the allegiances of the legions Dorn was sending to bring Horus to heel on Isstvan V. The investigation team supposedly assembled by Raulus and Rond was code-named Cell 1221. Given the failure of Dorn's plan at Isstvan V, it can be assumed that Raulus and Rond did not warn the Imperium of the impending betrayal of the IV, VIII, XVII, and XX Legions, though it is unknown if Cell 1221 was complicit in the betrayal or were silenced before a warning could be sent.
Later records also imply that the two XX Legion members of the Crusader Host, Raulus and Rond, were secretly released from the Khangba Marwu prison complex by Rogal Dorn to covertly investigate the allegiances of the legions Dorn was sending to bring Horus to heel on Isstvan V. The investigation team supposedly assembled by Raulus and Rond was code-named Cell 1221. Given the failure of Dorn's plan at Isstvan V, it can be assumed that Raulus and Rond did not warn the Imperium of the impending betrayal of the IV, VIII, XVII, and XX Legions, though it is unknown if Cell 1221 was complicit in the betrayal or were silenced before a warning could be sent.

Currently, Cell 1221 maintains the pseuodnyms "The Mobius Cadre", "The Abyssal Set", "The Omega Iteration", "The Silahni Host", and "The Brownian Recursion". Most assumed operational designators appear to be references to fractal theories and geometry, conceptualized as abstract objects symmetric at every scale, repeating infinitely. This reinforces the theory that Cell 1221 was established at the latest prior to the discovery of The Twins, and further support is implied by the dearth of alpha/omega or hydra iconography or references, though they do appear to fully embrace The Twins' philosophy and methods of warfare.
Despite all signs pointing toward Cell 1221 being a XX Legion splinter group, it may in fact be the greatest threat to the continued operational security of the XX Legion. Some sources imply that because the XX Legion was not fully ready when reports of the Ghost Legion began to arise, the Ghost Legion (and therefore Cell 1221) must have incorporated members from other Legions, or at least Astartes with other geneseed bringing into question the loyalty of those Astartes. Indeed, initial investigations into this matter by XX Legion operatives indicate that Cell 1221 may have even gone so far as to recruit from the worlds relegated to other Legions, including Nostramo, Macragge, Deliverance, Cthonia, and Fenris. No doubt this was an investment in future infiltration and covert operation missions, but it may have had psychological effects on members of Cell 1221, subverting them from XX Legion goals.
More disturbing rumors of direct and explicit treason by Cell 1221 circulate among higher echelons of XX Legion leadership. Though few will admit it, there is no clear record of the events on Eskrador. While the story fed to the Imperium via operatives claims Alpharius was killed but the Alpha Legion victorious, the truth is far from certain. Many XX Legion records claim that Eskrador was a trap laid by the Twins long before it was carried out to prove the superiority of the XX Legion methods to Guilliman. However, given the tactics used by the XIII Legion, some have posited that Guilliman had assistance from XX Legion defectors. Some rumors surrounding Raulus and Rond claim they felt abandoned by the XX Legion and not only betrayed their secrets to Dorn and Guilliman in exchange for pardon, but helped hunt down the Twins.
Additionally, Guilliman's warriors claim there was no XIII Legion presence on Eskrador and given their honorable nature, this claim must be taken seriously. Most XX Legion records indicate that the XIII Legion, and their Primarch were on Eskrador, so the question must be asked: against whom did the XX Legion fight? The routine false flag operations undertaken by Cell 1221 since the era of the "Ghost Legion" have alarming implications.
Finally, it is known that the Twins dispatched execution squads to hunt down each other primarch during the course of the Heresy, with no success. Indeed, XX Legion operatives disguised as close companions of Guilliman attempted to assassinate him in his own quarters, right under the noses of the VI Legion's own watchdogs. However, rumors circulate that scraps of the original orders show that the Twins ordered the assassination of every primarch, with each Twin secretly ordering the assassination of the other. Why the Twins would order such a thing is unknown, but is substantiated by other rumors.
The truth may never be known, and there is little formal method of ascertaining Cell 1221 allegiances and goals given the nature of and authority afforded XX Legion splinters. Even within the XX Legion, the nature of Cell 1221 is entirely obfuscated by suspicion and rumor.

More disturbing rumors of direct and explicit treason by Cell 1221 circulate among higher echelons of XX Legion leadership. Though few will admit it, there is no clear record of the events on Eskrador. While the story fed to the Imperium via operatives claims Alpharius was killed but the Alpha Legion victorious, the truth is far from certain. Many XX Legion records claim that Eskrador was a trap laid by the Twins long before it was carried out to prove the superiority of the XX Legion methods to Guilliman. However, given the tactics used by the XIII Legion, some have posited that Guilliman had assistance from XX Legion defectors. Some rumors surrounding Raulus and Rond claim they felt abandoned by the XX Legion and not only betrayed their secrets to Dorn and Guilliman in exchange for pardon, but helped hunt down the Twins.
Additionally, Guilliman's warriors claim there was no XIII Legion presence on Eskrador and given their honorable nature, this claim must be taken seriously. Most XX Legion records indicate that the XIII Legion, and their Primarch were on Eskrador, so the question must be asked: against whom did the XX Legion fight? The routine false flag operations undertaken by Cell 1221 since the era of the "Ghost Legion" have alarming implications.
Finally, it is known that the Twins dispatched execution squads to hunt down each other primarch during the course of the Heresy, with no success. Indeed, XX Legion operatives disguised as close companions of Guilliman attempted to assassinate him in his own quarters, right under the noses of the VI Legion's own watchdogs. However, rumors circulate that scraps of the original orders show that the Twins ordered the assassination of every primarch, with each Twin secretly ordering the assassination of the other. Why the Twins would order such a thing is unknown, but is substantiated by other rumors.
The truth may never be known, and there is little formal method of ascertaining Cell 1221 allegiances and goals given the nature of and authority afforded XX Legion splinters. Even within the XX Legion, the nature of Cell 1221 is entirely obfuscated by suspicion and rumor.
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